Your Wedding Dress Shopping Entourage | The Do's & Don'ts

Your Wedding Dress Shopping Entourage | The Do's & Don'ts

Your Wedding Dress Shopping Entourage | The Do's & Don'ts. Mobile Image

Oct 30, 2019

Who should you bring when you go wedding dress shopping?

This question can be daunting for some brides. But, we are here to help you make this decision so that you can have the best dress shopping experience!

Your squad, girl gang, bridal, who should be in your bride tribe? Generally, they are your closest friends & family members and let's be clear, we are not talking about a group of 15 of your "closest" friends. Your dress shopping experience will be one of the most memorable parts of planning your wedding, and depending on who is in your crew can dictate if that memory is a positive or negative one.  We've put together some "rules of engagement" that we hope will ensure you will have the best time of your life with the right people! 


  • Bring people that always have your best interest at heart and support you no matter what. This might be your mom or it might not. It might be your sister or it might not. Listen, we know that navigating these relational waters is very, very difficult. Ultimately you know what is best for you and we will be here all day long to support you in doing what is right for you. 

  • It's helpful to have someone on team bride that knows your style really well. Do you have a great shopping buddy? Definitely invite them as long as they can give an honest opinion in a kind a loving way.

  • Are you using a wedding coordinator to help plan your wedding? Planners will often go shopping with their bride and in addition to your bridal stylist, can be a strong advocate for you and your best interest. They also will likely have the inside scoop on all your wedding details and can help speak to whether or not a dress is vibing with the rest of the wedding elements.

  • Stick to 1-3 close family members or friends. While most of our shops can accommodate a larger group, we have found that the magic number of people in your bride tribe is no more than 5. 


  • Feel obligated to invite anyone! The people that are with you should be there because you want them there, not because you feel obligated to!

  • Be afraid to shop by yourself! We have brides come in all the time without an entourage to have a calm, relaxed fitting while making her own opinions. We highly recommend this if the idea of a bride tribe adds stress. We can always invite them back for a wedding dress "reveal appointment" after you've made your decision.

  • Forget that you're probably not the only bride shopping in the boutique. While a loud & fun group is exciting and brings life to your experience, we always want to respect the other brides who are in store for a special day too!