Hers and His: How to Plan Your Pre-Wedding Self-Care Regimen

Hers and His: How to Plan Your Pre-Wedding Self-Care Regimen

Hers and His: How to Plan Your Pre-Wedding Self-Care Regimen. Mobile Image

Mar 29, 2022

As your wedding day approaches there can be so much already on your mind. From the seating chart to picking the perfect floral arrangement, it’s hard to feel ready to walk down the aisle when you are stressed and a mess. However, there is another set of to-dos that might make you feel a little more wedding day ready. Self-care can not only do wonders for your emotional health but can also help you be visually ready for your big day.

If you’re looking to plan your pre-wedding self-care regimen then read on for helpful tips for both the bride and the groom:

Skin Routine

Hers: Who doesn’t want glowing skin on their wedding day? You want to make sure your skin is in top form and that starts with the products you are using. Schedule an appointment with your dermatologist to help you assess and form a game plan on how to achieve your skin goals. If you’re looking to experiment with different products, remember to give your skin time to acclimate to new skincare products. For most skincare products, your skin might get worse before it gets better, so don’t give up right away. If your goal is glowing skin, facials can help you achieve that. Scheduling regular facials will keep your skin in tip-top shape, but like at-home skincare start the process months in advance to help avoid a bad skin day on your big day. 

His: Now, if you’re a man with little to no skin-care routine but want to go the extra mile to ensure glowing skin then don’t fret, it’s never too late to start your skin-care journey. Start off by examining your skin type. Once you have that down it will be easier to find products that will help you get your skin under control. If your skin tends to be on the oily side then focus on mattifying products that will ease shine, or find a toner that can help soak up extras oils. Remember, don’t overcomplicate yourself with a million products. All you really need is a cleanser, toner, and moisturizer, and once you have that you are ready to start your skin routine.




Hers: As your wedding approaches creating a hair-care plan is a must, as there are many potential bumps you may need to factor in when discussing your hair. Whether you’re going to be dyeing your hair, adding accessories or extensions, or going for a more challenging hair-do, be ready for the unexpected. Find a hairstyle that feels closest to your personal style or helps you feel elevated. Hair is personal, and you don’t want to be worried about your face shape or your ears showing because you decided on an up-do. Hair trials are a great way to test out different styles months in advance, while giving your stylist time to make any needed adjustments to ensure a smooth day.

His: Your haircut can be a make or break to your overall look, and unlike brides, you probably won’t have many chances beforehand to get it right, which is why it's vital to give some thought to your haircut beforehand. You don’t want to stray too far from your usual look with something overly trendy or drastically different, but focus on elevating your everyday look. If you want to grow out your hair then make sure you’re giving yourself months in advance to test out any new hairstyles. If you want to treat thinning or balding hair with a hair loss solution like Finasteride, it might take up to 6 months to see results, so make sure you’re giving yourself a grace period to experiment with your hair. Now, if you’re going to go for your usual weekly cut, still give yourself a week before the big day in case of any mishaps.


Don’t Skip The Small Stuff

Hers: You might think you have everything set but you can’t forget the small stuff that can often slip the mind. For example, visiting your dentist to ensure your pearly whites stay white and healthy. Although you might be tempted to do a quick whitening strip at home, going to the dentist is vital for your oral health and good oral health means a beautiful smile. If you’re interested in correcting any crooked teeth then you will want to visit your dentist at least a year in advance. Retainers, like Invisalign, can take up to 6 months to work, so don’t wait until the last minute.

Another thing on your to-do that shouldn’t wait last minute is your spray tan. If you want to look like you’re glowing and fresh then you must get a trial spray before your dress fitting to help you get the full effect. If you want until the big day to get the spray tan you might look less like a glowing bride and more like a tangerine.


His: Just like the bride, don’t skip the visit to the dentist. Your teeth and gum health are important, and you want your smile to look confident, and there’s no better way than visiting the dentist for a cleaning and a whitening. These pictures will last a lifetime, so make sure you are going the extra mile to ensure you feel good and that includes your fingernails.

You might not realize but your hands will be photographed just as much as your face, so make sure they look good and presentable. Even if you have never had a manicure in your life there is no time like the present to start. You don’t have to go crazy but a simple clip, file, and clear coat are all you need to those hands picture ready.

Weddings are stressful. However, giving yourself the time to focus on your self-care routine, or doing extra things for yourself, like going for a massage or taking a bath, can help recenter you and get you excited for the wedding day. Self-care is important, so use that time to reflect and have fun!